Amazon Global Infrastructure

 AWS - Amazon Web Services

Amazon is a leading entity in the world of Cloud Computing and Storage Remote here with the expansion of technology AWS also expanding at the same speed. 

AMAZON Regions

These are the high  Availability Zones that cover lakhs of kilometres where multiple AWS Availability zones are present and each zone comes with a minimum of 2 Data Centers and Typically 3 or 4 

Each Data Center at Full Fledge Scale contains hundreds, even thousands of servers.s 

Currently, AWS has 103 Amazon Region worldwide across 33 Countries

Fully Isolated and many kilometres Apart from each other for Complete Redundancy


AWS offers high Availability, Connection, Purpose Built, Low Latency on Fully redundant Fiber optics cable network

Point to Presence: PoP

With Amazon Cloud Front AWS offers Highly secure and reliable Data sharing of Customer data to applications with PoP support that is like a cache and edge point of connectivity over the application and data centre. re 

High availability and Reliability with Fault Tolerance 

AWS offers multiple Cross Zones and Even Cross Region Application Partitioning and servicing here it helps to prevent Disaster Tsunami and high tides or Storms and Earth Quake 

Elastic Load Balancer

ELB helps in Balancing the Load of applications across different Zones where Applications are available which increases high availability reduces response time and increases Application performance and offers Seamless Interaction between the User and the application

Distributes the Traffice across different Application availability zones

By Balancing the load over different Zones where the Application is available now it prevents on putting a high load on any one Application Zones

it also offers Fault Tolerance by redirection or making load to Running Application Zones in case of any Application Zone Failure


Aws offers high performance as it seamlessly provides Uninterrupted 24X7 Responses also it makes responses immediately to the changes and changing needs.s 

Availability and Reliability

Due t1000's kilometres of distance between AWS Availability Zones, it offers Physical Redundancy due to its high Availability feature it does not crash or fail until any Owner end error 

.Availability and Redundancy are ensured due to the following features of AWS Cloud

  • Amazon Regions
  • Amazon Zones
  • Amazon DataCenters
  • PoP(Amazon CloudFront)
  • Load Balancer(ELB) 
  • Routers

Aws also offers custom hardware like Compute Servers, LoadBalancersr, Routers, Silicon Chips etc to ensure Customer needs and optimisation of its work and resources. 


AWS offers High security which is even on the level of serving the Army, banks and even the whole Government by it's multiple Security Mechanism ensures high Sovernity and protection of Confidential Documents with 24X7 monitoring phase check  Through AI and Machine Learning Algorithm 


An AWS service offers High Scalability to manage the Courses and Festive Season Traffic and due to this site high Availability increases and the Waiting time or any aaccidental500- series or DOS errors often don't occur which we can see on Dedicated Servers hosted Applications. 

AWS service can be chosen and Surscale and described at any instant according to the o needs of the business Adding new resources the resources are available fast and completely without major error 

Low Cost

Due to Scalability and other cost management Features over AWS, we have the Lowest Cost of service available the Low Cost is also the result of AWS's Vast reach of 104 Amazon Operational Resions and over 1250+ Amazon Zones with 5000+ Data centres and 4500000+ SERVERS. Dueses to this offer competent cost to attract Small vendors and customers as it focuses on Both cost and Quality of Service with a wide range of Services and multiple options. 


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