
Showing posts with the label what is palindrome in cpp

Palindrome Program in C++ (For String)

This is the solution of palindrome program in C++ / Cpp  What is palindrome : Ans: Palindrome is a type of number or string which will be same when we operate a negative 1 loop on it  For Ex; NAYAN is Same as Its mirror image NAYAN so it is A Palindrome String , SHIVAM is Not same as its mirror image of negative loop image which is MAVIHS , SO It is Not A Palindrome , Here 121 is a palindrome but 211 is not and 1553443551 is a palindrome number. CODE: PALINDROME OF STRING IN C++ #include <iostream>  #include <cstring>    using namespace std;    int main(){     string i;     bool k;     cout<<"Enter the string : ";     cin>>i;     for(int o=0;o<i.length();o++) i[o]=toupper(i[o]);     int n=i.length();     for(int l=0;l<n;l++){         if(i[l]==i[n-1-l]){             k=1;         }         else {             cout<<"Not a palindrome"<<n;             return 0;         }     };     if (k){         cout<<&quo
