Amazon S3 Access Management and Policy

Amazon S3 Access Management: As S3 consist of many data files or objects some of them are for the public some of them are abstract and some of them are protected and some of them are private so to make this vast variety of access we can not create different buckets but can make Access management policy for bucket where data is stored so can manage access management from outside sources This Practice is known as Amazon S3 Access Management and each bucket have there own Access Policy where we can decide which object is to serve on which request and which is not Amazon S3 Bucket for Static hosting(Client Side Script) When an S3 bucket is configured for website hosting, the bucket is assigned a URL. When requests are made to this URL, Amazon S3 returns the HTML file , known as the root object , that was set for the bucket. Amazon S3 Bucket Policy For others to access the S3 bucket, or specific objects in it, permissions must be configured to allow that access. A bucket policy ...