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use promise keyword in js

 Promise keyword in JavaScript A promise in JavaScript is exactly what it sounds like - you use it to make a promise to do something, usually asynchronously. When the task completes, you either fulfill your promise or fail to do so.  Promise  is a constructor function, so you need to use the  new  keyword to create one. It takes a function, as its argument, with two parameters -  resolve  and  reject . These are methods used to determine the outcome of the promise. The syntax looks like this: const myPromise = new Promise ( ( resolve , reject ) => { } ) ; Complete a Promise with resolve and reject A promise has three states:  pending ,  fulfilled , and  rejected . The promise you created in the last challenge is forever stuck in the  pending  state because you did not add a way to complete the promise. The  resolve  and  reject  parameters given to the promise argument are used to do this.  resolve  is used when you want your promise to succeed, and  reject  is used when y
