
Showing posts from October, 2024

AWS S3 Simple Workflow over GET request

GET Requestion - i.e, Retrieval From the S3  In This arcticle we will see how an GET request will be delivered and what will be the root response Synerio Consider there is a web portal for City's residence and tourist which is beach side city here one of the webpage is being Statically hosted on Amazon S3 with having main files like index.html index.js and CSS in root access Get Req Initiated : Let's Suppose city's residence visit the portal and request for the WAVE data how it will gonna perform today so they can plan holiday safely on beach Here the web portal before showing data to city residence it will make or initiate the get request to AWS S3 Service Get Req Validation :  Before making any response AWS first verify the bucket policies so it can ensure weather to give any resource access to the Request as response or not to web portal Get req so it can be terminated or closed  Get Req Termination if the Bucket policies allows means according to bucket policy if Get ...

Amazon S3 Access Management and Policy

 Amazon S3 Access Management: As S3 consist of many data files or objects some of them are for the public some of them are abstract and some of them are protected and some of them are private so to make this vast variety of access we can not create different buckets but can make Access management policy for bucket where data is stored so can manage access management from outside sources This Practice is known as Amazon S3 Access Management and each bucket have there own Access Policy where we can decide which object is to serve on which request and which is not  Amazon S3 Bucket for Static hosting(Client Side Script) When an S3 bucket is configured for website hosting, the bucket is assigned a URL. When requests are made to this URL, Amazon S3 returns the HTML file , known as the root object , that was set for the bucket. Amazon S3 Bucket Policy For others to access the S3 bucket, or specific objects in it, permissions must be configured to allow that access. A bucket policy ...

Amazon S3 More Feature - Cloud Essentials

Amazon S3 Storage Classes  Amazon S3 offers a wide range of Storage Classes according to data nature and access frequency, throughput, access time, cost etc In Amazon S3 any type of file or any metadata that describe that file is called objects,Objects are stored in S3 container called buckets  These S3 Storage classes are : S3 Standard S3 Intelligent Tiering S3 Standard -IA S3 One Zone -IA S3 Glacier Instant Retrieval S3 Glacier Flexible Retrieval S3 Glacier Deep Archive      Amazon S3 buckets Storage Classes Service Name Access Speed and Data Nature Cost/time to access S3 Standard Frequently Accessed Data Mili secs S3 Intelligent Tiering Unknown or changing access data S3 Standard - IA Infrequently Accessed Data S3 One Zone - IA Infrequently Accessed Data Recreated Data(due to Availability feature) S3 Glacier Instant Retrieval Long-...

Amazon S3 (Simple Storage Service) - Cloud Essentials

 Amazon S3 or Amazon Simple Storage Service This is one of the most used Amazon web services where s3 offers a strong data retrieval and data storage solution for unstructured data like coding and data files Cloud computing on AWS provides access to technology services, such as computing power, storage, and databases. Resources are available on demand, and you pay only for what you use. You can choose from hundreds of AWS services to help build your solutions. An Amazon S3 bucket and website hosting feature. This move to Amazon S3 will get you back up and running quickly and make your site more resistant to failure. Using Amazon S3, you can store any type or amount of data and retrieve it from anywhere. We can enable the website hosting feature after uploading data into the S3 bucket. Amazon S3 is a fully managed service, so you don’t need to deploy or manage any servers. S3 buckets are automatically replicated across multiple AWS data centres for high resiliency. Also, any website...
