AWS : Cloud Concepts


Cloud Computing is a modern technique which involves Cloud servers i.e which are collectively physically present at a certain place but we use their network to process, Get, Post, and Store the data here it eliminates the use of dedicated local Servers at home/workplace

On-Premise(Local Server):
  1. Your buy the service
  2. You takes the risk of your date
  3. Your hire the IT people
  4.  You Pay rent to real state

Cloud Providers

  1. SomeOne Else hire the IT people
  2. someone owns the servers 
  3. Someone else owns the real state bills and cost
  4. Your resposibility is only for your configuration cloud services  


Evolution OF Cloud Hosting

Dedicated server

in Late 90's The Dedicated server is used everywhere to publish a single web app/site

Virtual Private Server

It is also a private server where you are required to buy a server as in the late '90s but here you can host more than one website on a single server

                    Single Server --> Multiple Website/Web apps

Shared Server

This is the time around the year 2000 in which companies like Godaddy and Hostingshot provided the hosting to businesses in which There is a High number of Tanants to servers which will cause less Efficient but good for small businesses and the Price was too low in shared server sometimes due to load any single tenant will make the cause of  crashing or 404 of other hosted website on that same server
                                    One server---> Multi tenants Websites

Cloud Computing

This time around 2006  this was the start of real Cloud Computing here EC2 bounced on the market 
in 2005 around before the SQS (Simple Queue System) was first stepped into the cloud in 2004 after that in 2006 the S3 made a strong attraction toward the cloud and then EC2 came into the World

                         Multiple CPU---> Server Network ---> acquires the server according to usage

*highly efficient, highly cost-effective and flexible 

*Cloud Still have all the previous services and they haven't gone away but now you have new updates reliable and highly secure versions of it


Amazon Web Services launched in 2006 and leading cloud service provider  in the world actually in 2011 all the Amazon systems get shifted to AWS
 AWS began cloud computing certification programs in 2013

Cloud Service Providers

The CSPs are the companies that,
  1. Provides hundreds of Services in the Cloud Hosting Domain
  2. Charged You for services based on time and have some constraints for databases and services
  3. The Services can be accessed through  Single Unified  APIs in AWS these are AWS APIs 
  4. These services are chained together
  5. The CSPs have rich monitoring built eg. API CloudTrail
  6. These CSPs have Infrastructure as a Service (IAaS)
  7. These CSP services can be automated via Infrastructure as Code(IaC)

LandScapess of CSPs

The Landscape is divided into four levels 
Top Level, Mid Level, Light Level, Private Level

Top Level:

Here comes the major leading cloud service providers which are 
AWS(Amazon Web Services)
  1. AWS(Amazon Web Services)
  2.  Azure
  3. Alibaba Cloud
  4.  GCP(Google Cloud platform) 

Mid Level:

Here comes those Cloud Platforms which is not doing that much to provides services and can't compete with the top tier or top level in specialization and evolutions

  1. Oracle Cloud
  2. Huawei Cloud
  3. IBM Cloud
  4. Tencent Cloud

Low Level:

Here the cloud platforms which actually based on service Virtual Private Servers
and they are LaaS(Logging as a Service) offering
  1. Vultr
  2. Digital Ocean
  3. Akamai Connected Cloud(Linode)

Gartner Magic Quadrant 

As you read it is a graphical representation of leading cloud providers by Some specific researches and formulas the Quadrand have four fields 
1. Challengers: Currently there are not challengers 
2 Leaders:  Leaders are those CSPs Which is top 3 or fully furnished cloud provider 
3. Niche Platform:  this CLoud Platforms are knwon to offer some specific services so the are under NIche Platform 
4. Visionaries : Thease CSP's Are well fursnished but not Enough Popular and reliable to offer the Leaders type services and Guranty

Common CLoud Services 

CSP's HAve majorly 4 Core Serivces that Are

1. Compute

It refers to the Executional and computational Ability of CSP's So that your application can smoothly run 

2. Networking

Imagine having a virtual Network Defining the Internet Connection or network isolation between services or Outbound to the internet

3. Database

Imagine Having a vitual Datatbase that will deal with you all login and other stuff and get make a synchronised work flow w

4. Storage

Imagine having the virtual Hard Drive which can store the videos photos code and other stuff required on run time or loading time of application

but now Presently AWS provides more than 200+ Cloud Services 

AWS Technology Overview

CSP's with IaaS will always offer these Services

Most Commonly For Computing EC2 and for Storage "EBS" Virtual HardDrives 
for DataBase we have RDS SQL Database's For Networking and content Delievery we have VPC Virtual PrivateNetwork and many more you can refer to the Image Below 

AWS Services Overview

You can go through the Services in AWS Services Section 

Evolution OF Cloud Computing

The Main factor in Evolution of Cloud Services is Storage Usesage and Services 

The Storage Usesage will be a major consent while choosing a right service because it hugely effect on you cost to hire the CSP for you and The greater waste of storage will cause of greater Waste of Money so we need to knew about our limits and accordingly choose services

1. Derived 

2. VMs

3. Container

4. Functions

1. Derived:
 The concept is straightforward a whole CPU will allotted to your websites by this it costs high and has more maintenance and it handling costs but it provides high security and integrity and less interaction or intersections you will be solely responsible for the mistakes or any errors 
the limits will be exerted by host operating systems 

2. VMs
Virtual Machine are a simple and good concept to reduce the cost here multiple users share single dedicated server to host their sites and here a Docker Daemon works as a to make executions and resource sharing the Dedicated server smoothly will be divided in multiple sections and that's why you pay for that part of the section of the dedicated server here the unused memory will cost extra to you
limits exert by the Guest OSs

3. Container 
The dedicated server has multiple sections and the sections but here you decide how much you want  and when you want the part of storage and remaining memory will not be under your cost 
when Hoster decides the storage and time then the App will be constraints by the limits of storage and resource sharing here all the things handled by the HyperViser

4. Functions 
We have multiple ways to write an app or website by different types of languages and even different frameworks so for every execution we required a diffrent resource for that language and an environment this leads to heavy use of BAndwidth and high chance of Resource Sharing conflict to reduce it we use Functions which shares same type of execution resources with multiple apps written in same language 
it is also known as Serverless Compute

Types of Cloud Computing 

SaaS: Software as a Service for Users 

here the platform which actually offers services which includes cloud concept to use it by users to share or preserve information
that are Apple Cloud, Google Photos, Gmail, Salesforce, Office365

PaaS: Platform as a service  for Devoloper

Here the platform which only help to host a websites comes some of are Heroku, google app Engine

IaaS: Infrastructure as a Service For Admins

The cloud platform which provides IT support and Cloud Hosting support with Database and Data Storages like high tech services are offers IaaS some of them are : AWS, Azure, Google Cloud, Oracle Cloud

Cloud Computing Deployment Models 

1. Private Cloud
Private clouds are CServices which are accessible through the intranet network of organisations it is low scalable and On-Premise Networks and sometimes available via the Open Stack often used by Banks Govt. Hospital finance firms, Organisations

2. Public Cloud
it is highly typically available cloud Development models good for every type of organisation and offer high scalability reach and accessibility by the internet direct to VPC and Data centre

3. Hybrid Cloud
Private Cloud + Public Cloud
Organisations with both public and private cloud models are Hybrid cloud models which uses a combined models of both models
uses both On-Premise and Cloud Service Providers

4. Cross-Cloud
The Cloud Services of different-different providers are being used and they all work simultaneously 
like AzureArc------->Amazon EKS--------> Google Kubernetes Engines

Let's Dive in AWS Console

IAM and Root User

Suppose a team is working on a Cloud project where there os 5 team members and an Admin which is the main or owner of the Cloud service taken or Apps for which the cloud services are currently being used
here while dealing with a cloud project any team member can ditch the company and privacy may be in danger by encountering a FEATURE called IAM User in which the Root user creates some IAM users which handle some services specified by the Root user by itself and Root User can limit the activity of any IAM user and anytime remove his access and also can track its activity

IAM Users: Employee Users and limited Access to the services under root user supervision
Root User: Access to all the services control all IAM users and manage them also tracks their activity

Select Region

You can select the region on your own it helps you many times, for India, You have ap-south-1 and ap-south-2 or Mumbai and Hyderabad respectively 

