
OpenCV Drawing Fucntions cv.line(), , cv.rectangle(), cv.ellipse(), cv.putText()

cv.line() This is used to draw a line on passed MAT(window part) actually it changes the color of the window pixel from given point to ending given points with adjesting the color and thickness by passing as argument along with MAT and other import attributes Similarly it is also USed to create the shape which Circle we passes here the radius and the middle point to the circle similarly for other functions,  can take information about the argument passed in these functions from official website of the OpenCV but some common arguments are,MAT,  color, thickness, radius, size, initial point, ending point  cv.ellipse()  Used to create the ellipse with different different attributes  To draw the ellipse, we need to pass several arguments. One argument is the center location (x,y). Next argument is axes lengths (major axis length, minor axis length). angle is the angle of rotation of ellipse in anti-clockwise direction. startAngle and endAngle denotes the starting and ending

OpenCV : VideoWritter()

This is the Function used to write the video in permanent memory  Arguments, 1.  FileName with Extension  2. fourCC code from VideoWriter_fourcc() function which takes fourcc codes like XVID,DVIX etc 3. the FPS or frame per second 4. tuple of the Dimension recommended to use predefined dimensions wisely otherwise u can face errors 5. Color which takes an boolean value and decides the color of video if 1 then coloured other wise grayscale code : import cv2 as cv cap   = cv. VideoCapture ( 0 ) fourcc = cv. VideoWriter_fourcc ( * ' XVID ') output   = cv. VideoWriter (" ./output/myvideo.avi ", fourcc , 20.0 ,( 640 , 480 )) while cap. isOpened ():     ret, frame = cap. read ()     print ( frame )     if not ret:         break     # frame  = cv.flip(frame,0)     cv. imshow (" Video Capturing ", frame )     output. write ( frame )     if cv. waitKey ( 20 ) & 0x FF == ord (' x '):         print (' Video saved Successfully in current Dire

OpenCV python : cv.VideoWriter_fourcc(*argu)

 Introduction This is the function to generate the fourcc code for video compression or video saving system it returns an integer value that will pass to VideoWritter function as an argument so it will  save the video according to the fourcc opted, code: fourcc = cv. VideoWriter_fourcc ( * ' XVID ') import cv2 as cv cap   = cv. VideoCapture ( 0 ) fourcc = cv. VideoWriter_fourcc ( * ' XVID ') output   = cv. VideoWriter (" ./output/myvideo.avi ", fourcc , 20.0 ,( 640 , 480 )) while cap. isOpened ():     ret, frame = cap. read ()     print ( frame )     if not ret:         break     # frame  = cv.flip(frame,0)     cv. imshow (" Video Capturing ", frame )     output. write ( frame )     if cv. waitKey ( 20 ) & 0x FF == ord (' x '):         print (' Video saved Successfully in current Directory ')         break #Now most important part releasing all the resourses to prevent the conflict between the resourses output. relea

Computer Vision - VideoCapture()

 Introduction and Use This is a function used to start capturing the video or starting the reading process or Simply opening the camera or start playing the video with imshow()  for accurate : This is used to load the video in Memory so we can read  and show the video frame by frame which is an another task  code: import cv2 as cv cap   = cv. VideoCapture ( 0 ) fourcc = cv. VideoWriter_fourcc ( * ' XVID ') output   = cv. VideoWriter (" ./output/myvideo.avi ", fourcc , 20.0 ,( 640 , 480 )) while cap. isOpened ():     ret, frame = cap. read ()     if not ret:         break     frame   = cv. flip ( frame , 0 )     cv. imshow (" Video Capturing ", frame )     output. write ( frame )     if cv. waitKey ( 20 ) & 0x FF == ord (' x '):         print (' Video saved Successfully in current Directory ')         break #Now most important part releasing all the resourses to prevent the conflict between the resourses output. release () ca

AWS : Cloud Concepts

 WHAT IS CLOUD COMPUTING Cloud Computing is a modern technique which involves Cloud servers i.e which are collectively physically present at a certain place but we use their network to process, Get, Post, and Store the data here it eliminates the use of dedicated local Servers at home/workplace On-Premise(Local Server): Your buy the service You takes the risk of your date Your hire the IT people  You Pay rent to real state Cloud Providers SomeOne Else hire the IT people someone owns the servers  Someone else owns the real state bills and cost Your resposibility is only for your configuration cloud services      Evolution OF Cloud Hosting Dedicated server in Late 90's The Dedicated server is used everywhere to publish a single web app/site Virtual Private Server It is also a private server where you are required to buy a server as in the late '90s but here you can host more than one website on a single server                         Single Server --> Multiple Website/Web a

Tic Tac Toe - codixGame

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 Package.JSON The package.json file is the center of any Node.js project or npm package. It stores information about your project, similar to how the head section of an HTML document describes the content of a webpage. It consists of a single JSON object where information is stored in key-value pairs. There are only two required fields; name and version , but it’s good practice to provide additional information about your project that could be useful to future   If you look at the file tree of your project, you will find the package.json file on the top level of the tree. This is the file that you will be improving in the next couple of challenges.   "author": "Jane Doe", One of the most common pieces of information in this file is the author field. It specifies who created the project, and can consist of a string or an object with contact or other details. An object is recommended for bigger projects, but a simple string like the following example will
