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Chainsaw man S01-E06 Hindi Dubbed

Chainsaw man S01-E06 chainsaw man 1 season 9 episode Action Adventure Hindi FanDub - Hindi 18+ After a betrayal, a young man left for dead is reborn as a powerful devil-human hybrid after merging with his pet devil and is soon recruited into an organization dedicated to hunting devils. Chainsaw man Season 01 episode 06 Hindi Dubbed Download it from following link S01-E02 S01-E06 - Chainsaw Man Chainsaw episode 6 hindi dubbed download 

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SIGFPE - SIG Floating point Error : Cause, Resoultion, Means

 Floating Point Operation it is a measurement of accuracy the term FPO used most in scientific calculations SIGFPE - This error signal denotes some arithmetic error that occurred like division by zero, or floating-point error. If a program stores integer data in a location that is then used as a floating-point operation, this causes an “invalid operation” exception as the processor cannot recognize the data as a floating-point value. But this signal does not specify the type of floating-point error.    Basically, check your looping statement either it does not divide your value with 0

Why do we use "Using namespace std;" in cpp

what is the use of  Namespace & What is namespace or namespace std; in c++:  it is a special feature introduced in cpp, and with its help, we can prevent duplication in the program of variables and especially of methods(Functions()) For Ex, if we working with any xyz() and it is also present in the standard library then compiler gets exerts an error to us due duplicate function in the same directory  but with the use of it, we can overcome this error  Namespaces allow us to group named entities that otherwise would have  global scope  into narrower scopes, giving them  namespace scope . This allows organizing the elements of programs into different logical scopes referred to by names. Namespaces provide the space where we can define or declare identifiers i.e. names of variables, methods, classes, etc. Why do we use using namespace std; first, we should know what is the use of it  by this, we tell the compiler that we are using all the entities present in the particular directive(s
